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"Best customer service I have ever received"

A review of The Jeanery by Eamon McManus written on Wednesday 15th of July 2020


Even in these uncertain times we still have to get our kids uniforms and it is a trip I try and put off every year, today I decided to get it over and done with. I have six kids, 5 at primary school and one going into secondary school. We showed up and due to social distancing there was a short queue which was moving very fast. On entry we were greeted by the most friendly and helpful staff, they advised what we needed and would you believe even advised us on what we didn’t need yet, they never once tried to force a sale and kept the kids involved and interested, which I am sure you will all agree is a hard thing to do. The best bit is we were all done and dusted in the space of 15 minutes, the owner of the shop stayed with us the whole time, he made sure we got sorted and ensured we got a discount.

I would recommend this shop to everyone who is going to buy uniforms, top class service from a top class team, THANK YOU TO ALL YOUR STAFF I WILL BE BACK WHEN IT IS REQUIRED.

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The Jeanery

Map showing The Jeanery on Glencairn Park