A review of Ballyhenry Nursery School by Ryan written on Friday 14th of January 2011
This nursery is class A! My daughter attended this nursery and i can promise the staff are great with the kids and have time for each child one on one! If your child excels and finds things to easy such as puzzles they will go and buy new games etc in order to stop your child getting board. They have a file for each child and report to parents when the child has done something special! Mrs Thompson has a strict but yet friendly routine for all children, and the dinner ladies within the school are top class! they interact with the children also and the children look forward to dinner times to talk to the dinner ladies etc. this nursery is one of the best, and i recommend it to everyone, they are brilliant with special needs kids 2! .
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Map showing Ballyhenry Nursery School on Glenvarna Court