Home > A-Z of Newtownabbey Businesses > Y

Newtownabbey Businesses - Y

This page shows business listings of all kinds in Newtownabbey beginning with the letter Y. You can also view listings by type of business or by area of Newtownabbey.

  • Young Enterprise

    Charities & Voluntary Organisations (Office & Administration) in Jordanstown Shore Road, Jordanstown Shore Road.
    Tel: 028 90368289
    Address: University Of Ulster, Jordanstown Shore Road, Newtownabbey, County Antrim, BT37
  • Young Enterprise (NI)

    Charities & Voluntary Organisations (Office & Administration) in Shore Road, Newtownabbey.
    Tel: 028 90368139
    Address: Shore Road, Newtownabbey, County Antrim, BT37
  • Your Pound Shop

    Discount Centres (Shops & other Retail Outlets) in Ballyclare Road, Newtownabbey.
    Tel: 028 90848668
    Address: 11-15 Ballyclare Road, Newtownabbey, County Antrim, BT36

Alphabetical List of Businesses

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