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Reviews of The Fern Lodge

On this page you will find reviews of The Fern Lodge. If you would like to add your own review, please do so using the Add a Review button.


5 people have reviewed this business

  • Fern lodge food superb by Mark Borland

    Great food and service. Friendly staff. Everything cooked fresh and tasted fantastic. I eat there of... More»

  • Amazing food by Chris

    I do not know we're "lily" spent her valentines meal it must not have been the fern b... More»

  • Excellent food by Lynn

    My wife and I had a valentines meal at the fern lodge newtonabbey. What a meal .pleasant surrounding... More»

  • Amazing food by Chris

    I do not know we're "lily" spent her valentines meal it must not have been the fern b... More»

  • Have to wait near 1 hour to get your meal and raw food by Lily

    Stinking food have to wait forever to get your meal raw food chips and get really hungry waiting for... More»

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